
Attendance Reporting

Report attendance using one of the methods below.

  • ParentVUE 
    • Beginning in the 24-25 school year, parents/legal guardians can submit full-day absences using ParentVue. Learn more about attendance reporting through ParentVUE.
  • 703-924-8080
  • [email protected] 
  • A written note from a parent/legal guardian

About the Attendance Office

  • Attendance is checked daily each period and for full-day absences.
  • Calls and emails are sent to parents in the morning and afternoon via an automated attendance system from FCPS.
  • If you receive a call indicating an individual class absence, please have your student verify with the teacher before calling the attendance office.
  • Students may not call or check themselves out.

Attendance Basics

Students are expected to attend all classes. Attendance is taken daily before the end of each period. Excused absences are for approved reasons and with parent notification.

School starts at 8:10 am.

Students arriving between 8:10 AM and 8:25 AM are to report to the nearest tardy station to check in. Students who arrive more than 15 minutes late to school are to report to the Attendance Office (A128) to receive a pass to class. A note, email, attendance, or telephone call from a parent/guardian must be provided for a student’s absence or tardy to be considered excused.

What is considered an excused absence or tardy?

What is considered an excused absence or tardy?

  • Illness/ Doctor or dental appointment, Death in the family, Religious holiday, Pre-arranged absences/Other – approved by principal, Suspensions of ten days or less if parents and students participate satisfactorily in follow-up activities.

Parent/guardian must provide a written note, call, or email the attendance office within 3 days of the absence for it to be excused. After 3 days, the Assistant Principal, Ms. Hagan-Bowerman's approval is required. Correspondence must include the following information:

  • Student’s full name and grade level
  • Date note was written
  • Date of attendance issue
  • Reason for the absence(s)
  • Contact phone numbers of Parent/Guardian
  • Parent/Guardian signature (for written requests)

What are examples of unexcused absences or tardies?

What are examples of unexcused absences or tardies?

  • Overslept (parent/guardian or student), Missed bus or ride, Vehicle problem/Traffic, Childcare, including siblings and family, Non-pre-arranged trip, Other reason unacceptable to the administrator, or his or her designee, including unspecified "family emergencies"

Interventions/consequences for unexcused absences begin at 4 absences.

***Students who accumulate 10 or more all day unexcused absences are required to have a meeting with Ms. Hagan-Bowerman and may be referred to the Fairfax County Attendance Officer/Specialist and court system.

Unexcused Tardy between classes

Students arriving late to class within 15 minutes after class change report to the tardy station nearest their class. After tardy stations close, students must report to the attendance office.

Interventions/consequences for unexcused tardies begin at 5 tardies.

Early checkout from school

Planned Early Check out

Students must bring a parent’s note to the attendance office in the morning, or a parent can call or email, either prior to or on the day of the check out. Parent correspondence should give the time and the reason for leaving. Students must always sign out in the attendance office before leaving school grounds.  Leaving school without checking out will result in an unexcused absence in the classes missed.  

  • Deadline to submit for early release of student is the 10 a.m. the day of the release.

Unplanned Early Check out

Parents will need to come to the main office to check the student out. Please allow 15 minutes for check out. Photo ID is required. Please know unplanned check outs interrupt class instruction and should be avoided if possible. In person early check out must be done before 2:30 p.m. to avoid hindering bus traffic. Students may not leave campus without checking out through the attendance office or the absence will not be excused.

For planned or unplanned early checkouts the student will be released from class via an e-hall pass to the teacher. The student will report to the attendance office to check out and the meet the parent at their vehicle.

Sick student early checkout

If a student is sick, they must go to the clinic and check out through the school nurse. Parents will need to show ID in the main office, and the student will meet a parent there for departure.

Prearranged Absences

Prearranged Absences

If a student knowingly will miss multiple days of school, a Prearranged Absence Form must be submitted two days prior to the planned absence. The prearranged absence form is available online, in the attendance office, and in the subschools.   

All prearranged absence forms should have Mrs. Ellen Hagan-Bowerman listed as the Administrator and all parent signed forms should be turned into the attendance office for processing.  

Important: Any student absent from school for 15 consecutive days, regardless of reason, will be withdrawn from the school. Parents will then need to re-enroll the student.

Extended Absences

Extended Absences

If a student requires long-term medical care, parents should contact their child's school counselor.

Important: Any student absent from school for 15 consecutive days, regardless of reason, will be withdrawn from the school. Parents will then need to re-enroll the student.