College and Career Center
Helping students explore educational and career options, make realistic career decisions, and establish career goals
Important Dates/Events:
Career Options with a High School Diploma- Evening program
- Fairfax County Public Schools, Region 3 College and Career Specialist are hosting a program to inform students about work options after high school. Please join us on Thursday, January 14th, 2021, at 6:30pm. More information and link to be provided in January.
- November 18, 2020, Time 6:30-7:15. Senior Parent information night:
PDF of Presentation Video Recording
- College Access Fairfax Virtual FAFSA Line-by-Line Workshops - Register HERE!
- FCPS School Counseling Services and College Access Fairfax will offer two virtual FAFSA Line-by-Line workshops for FCPS seniors and their families via Blackboard Collaborate Ultra. The two opportunities to attend will be on:
- Wednesday, December 9, 2020, at 7:00 p.m.
- Saturday, January 30, 2021, at 10:00 a.m.
- FCPS School Counseling Services and College Access Fairfax will offer two virtual FAFSA Line-by-Line workshops for FCPS seniors and their families via Blackboard Collaborate Ultra. The two opportunities to attend will be on:
*Advertisement of this opportunity does not constitute sponsorship or endorsement of the sponsoring organization or the enrichment opportunity by the Fairfax County School Board, the Superintendent, or a specific FCPS school. This opportunity may utilize a technology tool that has not been assessed by the Fairfax County Public Schools Department of Information Technology. Students should gain permission from their parent or guardian before engaging in any non-FCPS enrichment opportunity and families should review and agree to the Terms of Service and User Agreements for any technology platform that enrichment opportunity may use before participating. Our school will be a co-participant in these sessions and in most cases, we will be participating in the college’s virtual platform that they have configured. While we will make recommendations to the presenters to enhance the security of the session, FCPS is not responsible for any technical issues with the college presenter’s virtual meeting platform and the college presenter is ultimately responsible for the content of their virtual session. In the event there are any inappropriate exchanges in these sessions not under the college presenter’s control, the FCPS staff member in attendance will monitor the session and may recommend participants disconnect. These college visits/presentations are optional for students to participate in and any student or family who has concerns about participating in these virtual sessions should contact me so that I can help connect you with the college directly. Our school will not be providing any student data to the college presenter through the session and students are discouraged from doing so. These sessions will not be recorded, and no participants are permitted to record them. Please email Mollis Cottingham, @email with any questions!
Welcome to the EHS College and Career Center!!
Edison CEEB CODE (College Test): 470052
The College and Career Center is a service of the Student Services Department. The College and Career Career Center provides a framework of career awareness, career exploration, and career preparation activities for students to make the essential connection between school and career. They are prepared for this transition by understanding self and others, exploring occupations, making decisions, acquiring work skills and planning for life. The success of this transition depends on the cooperative effort of students, parents, teachers, counselors, and the community.
College and Career Center Specialist: Mollis Cottingham Email: @email
Phone: 703-924-8028
The College and Career Center hours are:
- Monday to Friday - 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Please Note: The College and Career Center may be closed during posted hours for special events and classes. Periodically the College and Career Center is closed for classes or meetings. Calling ahead for an appointment is encouraged.
The College and Career Career center is open to students during Eagle Time, lunch and after school. Parents are also encouraged to make an appointment to visit. The Career Center is always open for parent appointments before, during, and after school.
Looking to VOLUNTEER? Volunteer Fairfax has a great database of opportunities:
The holiday break is a great time to look for summer activities and other fun learning opportunities. Check ENRICHMENT PROGRAMS in Naviance.
Log into Naviance from
Go to the Colleges Tab > Go to Research Colleges>Click on Enrichment Programs