Student Updates
Thomas A. Edison High School—Updates for Students, 2022-2023
The following information about new procedures and policies is being provided to students and their parents. The information contained here will be posted on the Edison website and will covered again during the Student Rights and Responsibilities presentation during Eagle Time the first week of school. If you have any questions, reach out to your school counselor or assistant principal.
Period Attendance and Period Tardies
- Students must be in their classes on time, every day, every period.
- Students who reach a total of 5 unexcused absences, 4 unexcused tardies or cuts in a two week period will receive consequences that could include lunch detentions, in-school suspensions, and activities suspensions. Activities suspensions include participation in clubs or teams as well as attendance at school events, i.e., no practice or games.
Late Check-In:
- Students arriving after 8:10 AM must report to the tardy station closest to their classroom. They may present a hand-written note from a parent or doctor to be excused. Parents may also contact the attendance office by email or phone call.
- Valid tardiness reasons include doctor’s appointment, illness or family emergency.
Early Check Out:
- Student brings a note to the attendance office, or a parent/guardian calls or emails before 9:45 AM.
- Teachers will not allow students to leave class without confirmation from the attendance office (via E-digital hall pass).
- Students will not be released after 2:30 PM as the buses are getting ready to depart.
Leaving School Grounds
To ensure the safety of all students, students are not permitted to leave school grounds without permission at any point during the school day unless they have an academy course or off-campus waiver. This includes during Advisory/Return time, or lunches. Per the SR&R, students who leave campus will be subject to a search, lunch detention(s), an in-school suspension and or an activities suspension, to include no participation in club, team or school events.
Food Deliveries
For safety reasons, food deliveries from restaurants or car services are NOT permitted throughout the school day. The front office will not accept any deliveries and Security will turn away drivers who attempt to make a delivery. Students who disregard this guidance will be subject to disciplinary consequences.
Cell Phone Use
An important update made to the Student Rights & Responsibilities document (SR&R) for the coming year is the regulation to prohibit cell phone use in classrooms. Students will not be permitted to use their cell phones during during instructional periods. We acknowledge this new policy will be a shift for many students and families this year, but research shows that managing student phone use during class time will support students’ attention and ability to fully engage in their learning. We ask that parents talk to their students about these expectations for the coming year.
E-Hallpass is an online platform that allows Edison staff to issue hallway passes to students while also monitoring the activity in the school’s hallways. Students are able to access e-Hallpass through their school-issued device using any web browser. Students may request a pass to leave the classroom or an appointment with a staff member (counselor, administrator, clinic, etc. ).
e-Hallpass allows staff to monitor hallway traffic, set limits for the number of students at specific locations, and limit hallway passes. A timer tracks how long a student is out of the classroom and can be monitored by our security team. Staff can receive alerts for students who have not checked in to their final destination or have exceeded the time limit of a pass, improving school safety and security while minimizing the disruption to learning in our classrooms.
Advisory/Return Period
Advisory is listed on your student’s schedule during 4th period. Students will go to their advisory teacher for 35 minutes, and during this time the focus is on student wellness to include social and emotional learning (SEL) lessons and activities. After advisory, students will return to another one of their classes (49 minutes) on a school-wide rotating schedule. Return periods will be listed in periods 11-18 as Learning Seminar on your schedule. In return classes/period, teacher will take attendance and provide remediation or extension activities to students. The return period is not a free block but an instructional time for students to work in that particular content course. Some students will be pulled out for targeted intervention to close learning gaps.