Summer Enrichment Learning

Math Activities

Summer enrichment activities for students entering Algebra 1

Summer enrichment activities for students entering Geometry

Summer enrichment activities for students entering Algebra 2

Summer enrichment activities for students entering IB Math Applications Year 1

Summer enrichment activities for students entering IB Math Applications Year 2

Summer enrichment activities for students entering IB Math Analysis Year 1

Summer enrichment activities for students entering IB Math Analysis Year 2 SL

Summer enrichment activities for students entering IB Math Analysis Year 2 HL


Social Studies


English Summer Reading

The Edison High School English Department continues to promote the Fairfax County Public Library summer reading program. Studies have found that reading for pleasure is beneficial for kids in many ways including keeping up their reading skills over the summer and helping them succeed in school. FCPL helps make reading fun by providing tools, access and incentives during its Summer Reading Adventure. The Summer Reading Adventure runs June 12 through August 14 and invites all children and teens—birth through high school—to read for fun over the summer. Therefore, we encourage every student to complete the necessary steps for participating in FCPL’s Summer Reading Adventure 2020: Imagine Your Story

Fine and Performing Arts

IB Theory of Knowledge (TOK)

TOK Summer Assignment 2020

General Activities for all grade levels

Student Enrichment Activities for Summer:

All Grades


Activities for rising Seniors:


  • Look for scholarships.
  1. Most colleges will have internal scholarships. You can access that via the school’s web site. Look for merit scholarships deadlines- each college is different
  2. Use the Naviance database -Login to Blackboard >Naviance>Colleges Tab>Scholarships and Money>Scholarship List
  3. has a scholarship database
  4. Checking google for scholarships may be frustrating, but something may pop up that looks good. Make sure your search includes any talents, skills, interests, or unique qualities you may have.
  5. Always read all the details about the scholarship before applying and make a spreadsheet of ones that look good include due date, documents required, etc.